Signed in as:
Saint Germain
“It's only my second day since I've been sitting inside the Portal and doing my Violet Flame mantras there and so I'm still discovering it and its early days but so far, it's taken me by surprise how clearly it communicates. For example, as I started doing the mantras yesterday, I was in a self-forgiveness type energy, and I checked with the Portal and asked it what energy would be for the highest best of all and I immediately got this loud and clear response that the energy of Joy would be the best and I got a clear example of the purity of that Joy. That's never happened like that before as I've often asked myself that question whilst doing the mantras and I've been none the wiser . . . I feel like I'm going to be blown away by the clear guidance and learn a lot.” from A.M.-Australia
“Meditations are deeper in the sense of Divine Presence. The Angels are telling me there is an increase in Presence/Closeness and Communication of about 5,000% (Five Thousand Percent).” from A.N.-Hungary
“I have heard some steps in the room at night time lately. And I have no problem to get into deep meditation either . . . in fact got a ‘prompt’ that it is important for me to go to the Southern Door of Braun to meditate for peace in Israel.” from L.W.-Germany
[Braun is a Golden City of the Yellow Ray, located in Germany, Austria, and the Czech Republic.]
“We followed Saint Germain’s directions in creating our Communication Portal in our home in North Carolina. We live close to the Golden City of Wahanee, in Saint Germain’s jurisdiction. In meditation I continue to get creative poetry messages regarding our freedom, liberty, justice and transmutation. These messages give encouragement and optimistic visions that good things will prevail, have faith and trust and to release all fear of future outcomes. ‘Know that in everything God works for good with those who love him and are called according to his purpose.’-Romans 8:28” from B&L-North Carolina, USA
Saint Germain
“It’s been surprising. At the beginning I felt I haven’t done the things properly or as if the ritual and timing weren’t enough to activate the Portal. But as soon I started my prayers and decrees – I could feel the difference. Every time I’m doing my Violet Flame decrees and prayers, the image of the Portal comes to my mind as if I see and feel the Portal and it’s colors . . . in my vision it’s mostly a gentle light violet color and tons of blue and pink. Yesterday I was chanting the bija-seed mantra HUE, and felt (I was) getting closer and closer to what seemed to me a golden gate. I spent a few days away traveling, but after a few days doing my spiritual practices and lighting a candle and incense, it felt activated again. I definitely can feel the difference. I’m most grateful for the opportunity and all the love and caring of the Masters.” from J.S.-Brazil
“The first thing I noticed, in less than 2 weeks was all of a sudden, my well water started presenting . . . I drank as much of this water as I could get myself to drink in a day, as the Masters have shared in the teachings earlier on, that the water in the Golden Cities becomes ‘qualified.’ One of the first things that came in the Communication Portal automatic writing was to inoculate Klehma with this water. I am not sure what to make of this, so I have started carrying several quart jars of this water with me on Pilgrimages to disperse at the Points in Water Ceremonies and also in Klehma rivers and lakes. I have thoroughly studied a book on how to ‘structure’ water called ‘Dancing with Water,’ years ago - I was even talking to the author. She and I, among other things, talked about structuring well water, and she is science-oriented and has many techniques on structuring water. We go to great lengths to get water to structure like this, and use Vortex techniques, etc. Now, all of a sudden, the Communication Portal Water just started appearing like this!” from T.S.-Colorado, USA
“As the Golden Cities become more obvious to more people, your books will show many in future generations that the Masters exist and have always been working to help us . . . Maybe things will speed up in a big way starting in 2024! It does seem that there must be energetic changes first, then the outer changes can follow, so let's hope that the world's Step-down Transformers and the Golden Cities can accomplish the transformations we need.” from M.Z.-Montana, USA
Saint Germain
“At the beginning of the New Year 2023, we were guided to create a space and open a Communication Portal in a quiet room of our home with a view to the East. Prior to the consecration of the Communication Portal, the space had been used as a meditation center and a place to practice Agnihotra, a Vedic Sunrise and Sunset ceremony. So the space we designated for the Communication Portal had a history of higher vibration. Right away we began to notice the circumstances in our lives were beginning to come together to meet the intentions we set and the invocations we stated in the Communication Portal.
We began to notice a quiet breeze of pleasant changes happening in our lives, independent of the desperation the planet was feeling with intense climate and social issues. The breeze of favorable circumstances grew into a river flowing blessings in our direction. We were grateful for the new volunteers who we really needed to work with us, new members who came to participate in our food co-op, revenue sources that opened up so we could finish a beautiful building to house our future homesteading students, a new social group in our neighborhood decided to meet monthly at our home, we were asked to speak at local groups about growing food, and our marriage was blessed with increased harmony and mutual spiritual purpose. This occurred in the three months after opening the Communication Portal.
When it was necessary to move the Communication Portal into another part of our home, we also moved the intent and the gratitude for it, like plugging a lamp to another electrical socket. It made no difference where it was as long as it was being used, refreshed, and kept clean with appreciation and humility. We noticed we were better able to release the need to control events or outcomes because we trusted our Guides, respected the power and intelligence of Divine energies. Because we were lighter for releasing our cares to the Universe, we were/are more able to manifest that which is for our best and highest good and what is in alignment with the best and highest good for all. We trusted OURSELVES. What was significant about moving the Communication Portal to another location in our home is that once it was established, it was no longer about a space or a ritual. The Portal merged into each of us.” from B&C-Arizona, USA
“I live in the North Door of Wahanee and after setting up my Communication Portal in my prayer room, I immediately noticed a great widening of what was once a narrower overshadowing from my Higher Self and Saint Germain. It was as if the communication became not only clearer with downloads and information, but I feel it has the ability to assist in greater healing of the physical, mental, and spiritual bodies as well. I always open it with my Violet Flame decrees and a short Cup Ceremony and viola - it is loud and clear as I communicate my questions and get inevitable answers. My energy and mood have improved with this inflow of greater vibration and connection.” from L.E.-North Carolina, USA
PS: I would like to add that my Begonia, sitting on my altar in the Portal, is outgrowing all the other Begonias (by far) in other parts of my home.
"The offer for Co-creation of Communication Portals is an offer for a tremendous boost to our efforts to raise all:
Protection: At this time on this planet, communication with beings in realms beyond the physical needs protection. Interference can come from energies in the mass consciousness and from beings that do not have our best interests in mind. Our requests for protection—some methods are provided in the Three Standards—for ourselves and our Portal contribute to the Co-creation of highly effective protection.
Communication: In our Portal, we can receive thoughts and images in response to our questions about what we need to understand, to see, to carry out our work for all. The answers are from a much wider perspective than we typically have while embodied. It is helpful to record communication sessions, on a recording device or by writing, in real time. We will likely enter higher states while communicating; having a record to which we can return is a valuable resource.
Energy: A connection with higher-vibration beings enables a two-way flow of energy: from us, though our attention; and to us, from higher realms. We are thus an open door, a Step-down Transformer, for higher vibration energies to raise vibration, our own and that of the Earth Plane, helping both along the Ascension path. We may be shown how to wield energies, to apply them to Earth Plane situations. What we are shown depends on the nature of the work we decided to do.
Travel: As our Portals develop, we may find that the higher realms do not have the limitations imposed by distance in the physical plane. We may find that we can energetically connect with places or beings that seem physically distant, separate: a Golden City Apex, a temple of Shamballa, Venus, our Sun, the Great Central Sun. Is there a limit? It seems unlikely.
Gnosis, Oneness: We might wish to go beyond communication to gnosis, to becoming ONE with the known. After a time, we may find that we are able to merge with ascended beings, to begin to experience their vibration directly, which changes us. We experience that we are not separate, that Oneness is offered perpetually, that it is our choice whether we are taking that opportunity in this moment.
This quote is attributed to Serapis Bey: 'You have friends in the unobstructed already, each of you here. Reach out to them; they will reach out to you.' A person can dissolve any doubt about this in their Communication Portal. What an opportunity!” from M.Z.-Montana, USA
Saint Germain
"We followed closely Saint Germain’s guidance to create a Communication Portal at our home. We live at the West Door of Wahanee, in the ancient mountains of the Southern Terminal of the Appalachian Trail. Before this, we would hear a buzzing or humming sound in just some parts of the house, but now the sound is more intense, everywhere, and nonstop. We also noticed that water from our kitchen tap would immediately form tiny bubbles in the glass. We began to feel immense peace and joy during deep meditation, with stillness, emptiness, and clear thoughts guiding us every day.
Perhaps the most amazing evidence of the power of this Communication Portal is the physical healing that now occurs, sometimes instantaneously. While on our Shamballa Grid Pilgrimage in Wahanee, the wife scalded her leg by accidentally spilling hot water over a large area of the front and back of the thigh. One side sustained a first-degree burn like a sunburn, and healed in half of an hour after applying the Golden Light. The other side had a second-degree burn with many large blisters. After returning home, we were surprised—especially the husband, a physician—that this second area healed completely, without infection or scar, within five days, instead of the usual two to three weeks needed.
Other instances of the power of this Communication Portal began to appear. For example, the wife no longer needs eyeglasses to read small print. And, after both of us had substantial skin and muscle injuries when some plywood boards fell on us, these healed in the Communication Portal within five days to two weeks. We are convinced of the power of the Communication Portal at our home, and now use it to help others heal from problems ranging from severe COVID-19 illness to seasonal allergies. From R&L-Georgia, USA