Lao Tzu
The I AM America Teachings offer profound spiritual wisdom, guiding seekers on a path of transformation. To truly absorb and experience the wisdom of the Ascended Masters, one must take a focused and intentional approach—one that unfolds naturally, step by step, revealing deeper truths along the way. The best approach is to begin at the foundation and follow the material incrementally as it was given by the Masters. This method provides a natural release of energy (Shakti) from the Masters, aligning with your unique spiritual evolution and readiness.
Think of this journey as planting a seed in fertile soil—it must take root, grow, and develop over time. The early teachings provide a strong foundation with practical techniques in visualization, decrees, and meditation. Engaging with these fully will benefit you immensely.
Begin with the I AM America Trilogy Series, which lays the groundwork for your study:
These books systematically introduce the principles and practices essential for spiritual transformation. Most importantly, these books familiarize you with the voice of the Ascended Masters, and you will learn how to actually study the material. They will orient you into a new state of consciousness and BE-ing. Take your time with the material. Do not rush. Sometimes one passage takes time for contemplation and integration. Sometimes the Ascension Process is subtle, mysterious, and quiet. At other times, your transformation is visible and apparent. Be patient with yourself. You are learning at a new level of consciousness and realizing your innate divinity.
The Ascended Master Saint Germain
If you have an interest in prophecy, your next step is the New World Wisdom Series. However, before diving into these books, first read:
· The Ever Present Now – Prepares your consciousness to approach prophecies as tools for transformation. Available as an audiobook at Audible.
The New World Wisdom Series includes:
· Book 1: The Twelve Jurisdictions– Introduces twelve new life-altering paradigms and insights into the Golden Age. Study the I AM America Map.
· Book 2: The Six-Map Scenario – Explains multiple realities, consciousness, and the power of choice. Study the I AM America 6-Map Scenario.
· Book 3: The ONE – Teaches how consciousness experiences Oneness and the development of Group Mind.
While this may seem like a lot of reading, remember that the material was given over many years, carefully transcribed and edited into books. However, the prophecy series is profoundly important, as it trains your consciousness to overcome fear and shift into love and the Co-creation Process. If prophecy is not your primary focus, you may wish to proceed directly to the Golden Cities Series. Study the I AM America Freedom Star Map.
The I AM America Maps are not just prophetic tools—they are sacred objects imbued with spiritual energy. Each Map carries a distinct vibration, yet all serve as catalysts for awakening. Those who receive or interact with a Map often report profound experiences, from sensing a radiant light to detecting an ethereal fragrance. Many feel an immediate recognition, as if they have seen a Map before in dreams or visions. These responses affirm the frequency they hold, capable of inspiring deeper spiritual awareness.
The Spiritual Teachers have long emphasized that simply viewing an I AM America Map can initiate transformation. To honor this, we never fold the Maps, keeping them rolled like the sacred scrolls the Teachers revealed. Before each Map leaves our office, we whisper a prayer over it, reinforcing its higher purpose. Over the years, countless stories have emerged—of Maps exuding a perfumed oil, of spiritual adepts recognizing their significance, and of visions leading seekers to their destined path. Whether it is the powerful energy of the I AM America Map, the phenomenal occurrences linked to the Freedom Star Map, the navigational clarity of the U.S. Golden City Map, or the visualization power of the 6-Map Scenario, each serves as a beacon of light, carrying a message of awakening and guidance for all who are called to them.
Archangel Michael
Master Kuthumi, on Earth Changes
For those drawn to the Golden Cities, and Earth’s remarkable spiritual geography and transformation, the Golden Cities Series is the next step. Study the I AM United States Golden City Map, for close-ups of US Golden Cities. Refer to the I AM America Atlas for close-ups of worldwide Golden Cities.
Start with:
· Awakening: Entering the Ascension Timeline – A compilation of three essential books in one: Points of Perception, Light of Awakening, and Divine Destiny, updated with expanded teachings, historical narratives, and an extensive glossary.
Continue with:
· Sacred Energies of the Golden Cities
These books explore self-realization, HU-man Consciousness, and the energetic significance of the Golden Cities in the Ascension Process.
Golden City Dimensions: The above illustration gives the dimensions of the Golden Cities.
A crucial part of this journey is practicing the Violet Flame, as recommended by Saint Germain. He suggests a two-year probationary period of dedicated practice of the Violet Flame while studying the I AM America Teachings.
· The Three Standards – A foundational spiritual practice available as a free download on the website.
· Violet Flame Practice – Supports the transmutation of karma, the opening of the Spiritual Heart, and the development of unconditional love and compassion.
· Reflection and Contemplation on a particular Ascended Master or Archangel can be profoundly beneficial. Placing an image of the Master or Archangel by your bedside or on your home altar serves as a powerful focal point for connection. The Ascended Canvas was created specifically for this purpose, featuring over a hundred authentic portraits of Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Cosmic Beings.
· Mentorship Opportunities – Consider enrolling in the I AM America Mentoring Program and working directly with Len or Lori Toye or working with an advanced student to receive guidance and accelerate your process. Mentorship accelerates your understanding, provides answers to key questions, and offers invaluable insights into various spiritual practices and their application.
Once you have built a strong foundation, consider visiting a Golden City Star to experience an infusion of energies that will further your transformation. For more advanced Pilgrimage experiences, refer to:
· I AM America Atlas – A comprehensive guide to migration patterns and energetic sites.
· Golden Cities and the Masters of Shamballa – Introductory teachings on Spiritual Pilgrimage, and the invaluable process of building Group Mind.
Other advanced books include:
· Evolutionary Biome – The most up-to-date teachings on the Shamballa tradition, and the rich heritage associated with the Spiritual Hierarchy.
· Photons Propel Your Ascension – Deepen your exploration of the Golden Cities, your knowledge of the Photon of Light, and the accelerated bodies of light associated with Golden City Pilgrimage and the Ascension Process.
· Portals to Shamballa – Learn how to purify your personal space and establish a Communication Portal to the Golden City of Shamballa.
Saint Germain on "Love, at Every Level"
Listening to the MP3 recordings of the Masters’ messages is one of the most effective ways to integrate the teachings. Most recordings are often accompanied by comprehensive Study Guides, structured with:
· An Overview
· Key Concepts
· Questions for Personal and Group Study
· A Conclusion
· Additional Appendices and printouts for deeper study
Many of these lessons, such as the Evolutionary Biome Collection, Portals to Shamballa, and The Ion, Divine are available sequentially. The Spiritual Lessons from the Master Teachers are voice-received trance channeling (clairaudient), and we have preserved the recordings in their authentic, original condition. There have been no alterations to the sound quality, allowing each listener to receive the full vibrational energy of this unique trance-work and its transformational healing effect. This sacred transmission merges the Teacher’s magnetism with their consciousness-expanding wisdom, creating an alchemical process that transcends conventional spiritual study. These recordings facilitate access to deeper states of consciousness, helping to transcend ego limitations while activating the I AM Presence. The lessons promote Oneness, spiritual awakening, and the release of karmic blockages, while also balancing the energy field and fostering peace, harmony, and well-being.
To support your journey, be sure to:
· Subscribe to the Newsletter – Receive updated teachings, insights, and free downloads. We periodically offer seminars and educational events.
· Check out our Free and Low-cost Teaching section. You will find many informative downloads for free or for a nominal fee, to assist your study.
· Read the Topics of the I AM America Teachings
· Check out the I AM America Blog – Regular articles and expanded teachings.
· Reach Out for Support – If you have questions, contact for assistance or mentoring opportunities.
We invite you to embark on this journey with an open heart and mind. As you integrate these teachings, you will awaken to profound new understandings and spiritual experiences. By following this structured approach, you will systematically deepen your understanding of the I AM America Teachings and fully engage in the Ascension Process. May your journey be blessed with illumination and transformation!
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