The most important goal of the Ascended Masters is our Ascension! Every teaching and topic within the I AM America material is directed toward achieving this divine purpose. For many years, students of the I AM America teachings have worked with and applied the spiritual disciplines contained within this unique body of knowledge. Over time, we have observed that the material naturally organizes into several key topics, each offering profound insights and essential tools for spiritual advancement. These topics include:
1. Prophecies: Earth Changes Prophecies and Prophecies of Change
2. Spiritual Growth and HU-man Development with numerous spiritual techniques: Decrees, Prayer, Visualization, Meditation, and Breath Techniques
3. Ascension and how to enter the Ascension Process
4. The Golden Cities: Their Multi-dimensional Construct and Infrastructure
5. Spiritual Pilgrimage to Golden Cities for HU-man Development and the Ascension Process
6. New Perspectives on Health, Science, Physics, Cosmology, and Earth’s ongoing Evolution in the Golden Age
7. The Seven Rays of Light and Sound
8. The presence of Shamballa and a Spiritual Hierarchy which guides humanity’s evolution
The Teacher-Student Relationship
All teachings within the I AM America material are given in the spirit of the sacred teacher-student relationship. The guidance imparted reflects the careful training provided by the Master Teachers as they instruct and mentor their students. These lessons often encompass spiritual practices, techniques for Co-creation, and the correct application of the Violet Flame. The Master Teachers frequently share wisdom of universal significance, and this includes critical knowledge about the Golden Cities, World Events, and the dawning Golden Age. The I AM America Prophecy Maps were provided as part of this mission—to assist all of humanity in the transformative journey ahead. As the Masters often state, “Send this message to the Earth with love.”
Saint Germain
One of the most significant teachings from the Master Teacher Saint Germain is the study and practice of the Violet Flame. This sacred energy is often referenced in the I AM America material and is considered a transformative force available to all. The Violet Flame can be called upon for personal healing, the resolution of karmic imbalances, and the transformation of challenging circumstances into higher states of understanding and grace. This practice fosters deep spiritual awakening, enabling individuals to detach from suffering and pain. While the Violet Flame operates at a spiritual level, it is also understood as a tangible frequency of light surrounding the student who actively works with it. A key attribute of the Violet Flame is its alchemical quality. Scientifically, violet light holds the shortest wavelength and the highest frequency within the visible spectrum, marking it as a powerful bridge to the next octave of light.
Divinity and Personal Experience
The Master Teachers emphasize that ‘Divinity is in all things,’ acknowledging that all originates from the Source. This fundamental principle is woven throughout all I AM America teachings. Respecting the sacred autonomy of each individual, Master Teachers always begin with a crucial question: “Do I have permission to come forward?” or “Do I have permission to enter your energy field?” This practice ensures that the guidance offered aligns with the student’s innate divinity, personal spiritual readiness, and karmic path. The Masters do not dictate actions or interfere with personal choices; rather, they provide insights into the Laws of Creation, allowing each student, or chela, to integrate and apply these teachings through their own experience—the “Laboratory of Self.”
In the study of multi-dimensional messages or multi-dimensional teachings, it is essential to recognize that time is perceived very differently in higher dimensions. The Ascended Masters teach that spiritual development transcends the linear framework of past, present, and future—existing instead in an Ever-Present Now. While time is sometimes referenced in the teachings, it is primarily used to catalog experience or measure change rather than predict specific events. When students ask, “When will this happen?”, the response—if given at all—is often symbolic or non-linear, reflecting the fluid nature of higher-dimensional reality. In addition, the Master Teachers often deal in probabilities and possibilities that also embrace the notion of multiple timelines. In essence, our consciousness is constantly moving and absorbing multiple experiences, which includes moving through various timelines. Some timelines are oriented towards Third Dimensional Experiences, while some timelines are Fourth or Fifth Dimensionally oriented. Our HU-man ability to Co-create and Master circumstances and varying situations will predicate our ability to move into different timelines scenarios. For instance, some timelines are oriented towards harsh Earth Changes events. Other timelines are oriented towards accelerated states of HU-man Consciousness with Golden Age attributes. Our consciousness is constantly shifting between and among timelines. Through this process, we begin to recognize and understand both Fourth and Fifth Dimensional constructs necessary to engage the Ascension Process.
A significant portion of the I AM America trance sessions are dedicated to the empowerment of the Mighty I AM through sacred decrees. A decree is a specific arrangement of words—similar to a mantra—given by a Master Teacher for a student to repeat exactly as received. Decrees are used to:
· Overcome obstacles
· Enhance states of consciousness
· Manifest desired circumstances
· Align with divine perfection
Saint Germain often states:
“Decree a thing unto yourself and it comes forward in two manifestations! Consciousness creates! Seek the perfection first in your intent and bring it forth through the spoken word. For the Word is the Action that moves.”
Decrees can be spoken forcefully, rhythmically, softly in prayer, or silently in meditation. Regardless of form, their purpose remains the same: to anchor divine intention into physical reality.
As students deepen their engagement with the I AM America teachings, they will recognize the presence of universal Laws of Creation as revealed through the Ascended Master tradition. These spiritual laws are categorized as follows:
1. The Twelve Jurisdictions – Laws for the New Times
2. Violet Flame Decrees – For personal and planetary transformation
3. The Co-Creation Process
4. Hermetic Laws (Natural Law)
5. Laws of the Ascended Master Tradition
6. Laws of Self-Mastery
7. The Ascension Process
These sacred laws provide a foundational blueprint for self-mastery, transformation, and Ascension, offering students the opportunity to align their consciousness with the highest expressions of divine order. For example, by applying the Law of Co-Creation, students can consciously shape their reality through intention and alignment with divine principles, fostering both personal and planetary transformation.
Sanat Kumara
Over the past decade, the Ascended Masters have unveiled new insights and revelations about Shamballa, a perfected Fifth Dimensional City of Light that serves as a spiritual hub overseeing Earth's evolution and humanity’s Ascension Process. This exalted retreat is home to higher beings of light, including Archangels, Cosmic Beings, and Ascended Masters, who guide the unfoldment of the Golden Age through their stewardship of the Fifty-One Golden Cities on Earth.
Shamballa is not a mere concept but a very real, Fifth Dimensional location—a radiant sanctuary filled with magnificent temples and halls of learning. Many students of the Ascended Master teachings travel there during meditation, dream states, or deep spiritual work, where their spiritual evolution is accelerated and their connection to the Ascension Process is strengthened. In these higher dimensional states of consciousness, students may attend classes and receive instruction directly from the Masters.
At the close of their earthly lifetimes, some dedicated students transition to Shamballa, where they prepare for their next incarnation or advance into higher service within the Golden City Ashrams of Light. Shamballa is also known as the Magnificent City of White, a luminous stronghold originally constructed epochs ago by Venusian volunteers who came to Earth to anchor and sustain conscious light. Once physically located in what is now the Gobi Desert, its sacred purpose was to uphold the planet’s spiritual evolution and ensure Earth’s place within the greater cosmic order.
The I AM America teachings provide a profound spiritual roadmap for those seeking higher consciousness, transformation, and alignment with the divine. Through the integration of prophecy, spiritual techniques, and the Laws of Creation, students gain a comprehensive understanding of their divine potential and the steps necessary to actualize their spiritual purpose. Whether through prophecy, the Violet Flame, the spoken word, or the study of universal laws, these teachings offer students a holistic framework for self-discovery and Ascension. By actively engaging with this material and applying these principles in daily life, students awaken to their true spiritual potential and contribute to the unfolding Golden Age.
As always, the Master Teachers remind us:
“You are the Light! You are the Way! Step forward in love, wisdom, and service, and the path will be revealed.”