Paramahansa Yogananda
Jyotish: The Science of Light and Spiritual Evolution
Lori Toye offers astrology consultations rooted in Jyotish, the ancient Vedic science of India. Pronounced "Joe-teesh," Jyotish is known as the Science of Light, an astrological system that has remained uniquely preserved through India's enduring spiritual traditions. Unlike Western astrology—whose origins trace back to Egyptian and Babylonian influences—Jyotish follows the Sidereal Zodiac, aligning with the actual positions of the stars and the Galactic Center. This precise and sacred system reveals the karmic patterns, life purpose, and spiritual evolution of an individual, guiding them on their path toward enlightenment.
For nearly twenty-five years, Lori Toye has been a dedicated practitioner, student, and researcher of Vedic Astrology. She deliberately chose Jyotish for its deep connection to the Ascended Master Teachings and its resonance with the Seven Rays of Light and Sound—cosmic frequencies that emanate from the planets and the Great Central Sun. Many of the principles of Jyotish are reflected within the I AM America Teachings, offering a personal map for understanding planetary influences on consciousness, karma, and your Ascension Process.
The Hierarch Babaji and the Heart of the Dove
The revered Himalayan Avatar Babaji, a spiritual Hierarch associated with the Heart of the Dove, is known for his timeless guidance and direct transmission of divine wisdom. As the Master Teacher of Sri Yukteswar, the Vedic astrologer and guru to Paramahansa Yogananda, Babaji’s lineage has played a pivotal role in preserving higher esoteric knowledge, including the astrological sciences. Yogananda, in turn, introduced yoga to the West and founded the Self-Realization Fellowship, bridging Eastern wisdom with Western seekers.
The Heart of the Dove, located on the I AM America Map, holds deep spiritual significance within the I AM America Teachings. This sacred location serves as a focal point for higher consciousness and galactic energies, mirroring the celestial principles revealed through Jyotish.
The Sidereal Zodiac and the Great Central Sun
Unlike Western astrology, which follows the Tropical Zodiac, Jyotish is based on the Sidereal Zodiac, tracking the precise location of the stars and their cosmic forces. This distinction is vital because the stars act as conduits for the Seven Rays of Light and Sound—the divine energies that radiate from the Galactic Center. In Ascended Master Teachings, this source of divine power is known as the Great Central Sun, the cosmic wellspring of spiritual nourishment and enlightenment.
Vedic Astrology acknowledges Earth's 25,000-year cycle around this central cosmic force. The legendary psychic Edgar Cayce even predicted that the sidereal system would one day gain prominence, reflecting the soul’s evolutionary journey across cosmic ages. As David Frawley, C.M.D., explains: "Vedic astrology has existed for thousands of years, preserving records of equinoctial shifts and great astrological ages. It is rooted in an unbroken lineage dating back to the Age of the Gods, when humans still communicated with cosmic intelligence."
The Science of Light and Sound in Jyotish
The celestial bodies, known in Sanskrit as Grahas (literally, “seizers” or planetary forces), weave an intricate pattern of light and sound at the moment of birth. These luminous imprints shape our karma, dharma, and life’s purpose, offering insight into the soul’s past, present, and future.
Jyotish is said to have been gifted to humanity before the descent into the Kali Yuga (the Dark Age), tracing its origins to the Vedic Rishi Parashara Shakti and his great work, the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. This profound astrological system offers seekers a way to master the light and sound of the Grahas, aligning their consciousness with divine cosmic rhythms.
By understanding and applying the wisdom of Jyotish, we illuminate our path toward spiritual freedom and Ascension, harmonizing with the cosmic forces that guide our soul’s evolution.
✔ Chart Print-Out – A detailed 30+ page report. $69
✔ Introductory Reading – A 60-minute session introducing your Vedic birth chart. $233
✔ Foundational Reading – A comprehensive reading, approx. 2–2.5 hours. $430
✔ Updated Reading - Ideal for returning clients. Focuses on upcoming transits (Gochara) and planetary periods. $430
To book a session, email with:
✅ Your full name
✅ Your birth date (MM/DD/YYYY)
✅ Your exact birth time (if unknown, rectification may be required)
✅ Your birthplace (City, State, Country)
✅ Your selected reading type
Much of the Ascended Masters’ Teachings—including knowledge of the human aura, the Ascension Process, and the science of the Golden Cities—is based on the intricate wisdom of the Seven Rays of Light and Sound.
Jyotish is more than a predictive tool—it is a spiritual science that reveals the interplay of these divine forces in our lives. During your consultation, we will explore:
✔ Your Atma-karaka (soul indicator)
✔ The strongest and weakest Ray Forces in your chart
✔ How to nurture weaker Ray Forces and express stronger ones
✔ Their direct relationship to your dharma (life purpose) and Ascension Process
Additionally, while not guaranteed, Lori often receives spiritual guidance from the Ascended Masters during a consultation, which may provide profound insight into your past lives and karmic path.
The Avatar and Hierarch Babaji.
✔ Chart Print-Out – A detailed 30+ page report with interpretations of the planets and houses in your chart. Best for self-study. (PDF delivered via email.) $69
✔ Introductory Reading – A 60-minute session introducing your Vedic birth chart. Includes 2–3 personal questions and an emailed birth chart. $233
✔ Foundational Reading – A comprehensive reading with gemstone and mantra recommendations. Includes 6–8 personal questions, a MP3 recording, and an emailed birth chart. Approx. 2–2.5 hours.
This reading may include Complementary Chart Insights, where we briefly examine additional charts to assess major influences on your path. If relevant to your session, we may also consult a Prashna (Question Chart) to gain insight into a specific pressing question. $430
✔ Updated Reading - Ideal for returning clients. Focuses on upcoming transits (Gochara) and planetary periods (Dasa-Bhukti), plus remedial measures update. Includes 6–8 personal questions, a MP3 recording, and an emailed birth chart. Approx. 2-2.5 hours. This reading may also include Complementary Chart Insights, depending on the focus of your session. If a significant question arises, a Prashna (Question Chart) may be used to provide additional clarity. $430
Advanced Readings - Specialized charts for relationship compatibility, timing (Muhurtha), and question-based astrology (Prashna) are available.
✔ Fees range from $230–$430 and include Chart(s) Printout and MP3.
Birth Time Rectification - If your birth time is unknown, rectification is required. This process determines your birth time based on significant life events.
✔ Retainer: $560 (Billed at $65 per hour)
✔ Any balance is credited toward your chosen reading
✔ Please inquire for details:
To book a session, email with:
✅ Your full name
✅ Your birth date (MM/DD/YYYY)
✅ Your exact birth time (if unknown, rectification may be required)
✅ Your birthplace (City, State, Country)
✅ Your selected reading type
Payment is accepted via credit card or PayPal.
Once payment is received, a confirmation email will be sent.
Readings are usually scheduled at 2 PM Arizona Time (PST during Daylight Savings / MST otherwise).
Weekend appointments available upon request.